Thursday, June 9, 2011

All About "Global Sun Ovens"

Information and Sites Featuring Global Sun Ovens

The oven can get up to 350 degrees.
It is a great oven and it will give you many years of service.
It will burn food if not watched.

Head over to the Global Sun Ovens website for more information:
For video instructions on how the sun oven works: click here
Sun Oven recipes: click here
Solar Cooking for a year blog: click here
Wendy DeWitt video on solar oven cooking: click here
Cooking off the Grid" reviews the global sun oven: click here
Solar Oven put to the test: click here
"The Survival Podcast" video showing an actual Global Sun Oven user: click here

How to use Global Sun Ovens - Video Seminar in 6 parts

Part 1:
Basic overview of the Sun Oven and it’s components.
How long with my Sun Oven last for?
How is it possible that nothing burns in my Sun Oven?
The Sun Oven looks small-can I really cook for my entire family in it?
Is the Sun Oven safe to use around children?
Will animals get into my Sun Oven?

Part 2:
What are the two basic ways to cook in a Sun Oven?
What is the basic rule of thumb for cooking in a Sun Oven?
What about the basic cooking times for a Sun Oven?
Can you tell me specifically how the Sun Oven will save me money on my energy bill?
What is Paul’s favorite thing to bake in the Sun Oven?
How can I multi-task in the Sun Oven?

Part 3:
How do I bake bread in the Sun Oven?
How do I pre-heat my Sun Oven?
How do I know if it is sunny enough to use my Sun Oven?
How can I know when my bread is done in a Sun Oven?
How can I bake cookies in the Sun Oven?
Is it possible to burn cookies in the Sun Oven?

Part 4:
Can I cook a turkey in a Sun Oven?
Which pots are best to use in the Sun Oven?
Which pots are best for use in the winter in a Sun Oven?
Can I simply reheat leftovers in a Sun Oven?
Can I use the Sun Oven in the winter?

Part 5:
Can I use the Sun Oven as a Solar Dehydrator?
Can I make jerky in the Sun Oven?
What do I do if the drying process takes longer than one day?

Part 6:
How can I purify water in a Sun Oven?
What is a WAPI and how do I use it to help me purify water?
What is the most efficient way to purify water in the Sun Oven?

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